Anonymous: Will the Internet Get Real? A Manifesto on False Flags, Big Lies, and the Loss of Integrity by All Law Enforcement Agencies and the Media

Much of Alternative Media and the Alt-Right is Allowing for the Subversion of America: The Resistance Has Been Usurped. Feel free to share, publish, email, by Anonymous. How many websites and supposed “investigative voices” are focused on the fact there is no / zero substantive evidence any one actually died, let alone was wounded, at …

Mongoose: How the Left and Leftist Non-Profits Coach Illegal Aliens to Game the System

From an Alert Reader. In the James O’Keefe undercover style, we see how NGOs and attorneys retained by the UN and NGOs teach illegals to cry, throw up, moan, become sick and “play the part” in order to be admitted in the US.  They teach what works.  Otherwise, they wouldn’t. Those NGOs do not pay …

Robert Steele: Open Letter to GeekWire on Gab, #GoogleGestapo, the ADL/AIPAC, & the Future of Public Cyber

In re After GoDaddy cut ties following Pittsburgh shooting, Gab back online thanks to Seattle startup I ran a false flag for the CIA and am a top author on false flags including edited works for the President on 9/11 and Sandy Hook at and I also published the below free version at …

MID-TERM SPECIAL: Trump Triumphs — Senate, Justices, Never-Trumpers Gone from House — Deep State Done!

Trump Scores Historic Win In “Blue Trickle” Election—Now Sets His Sights On Total Globalist Destruction Phi Beta Iota: Sorcha Faal is a known fabricator who has a stunning gift for narrative backed up by valuable links. We take him/them very seriously. Click on the above to read an epic detailed outline of just how big …

Jean James: Broken and Corrupt Police Forces in Collusion with Broken and Corrupt Judges, Lawyers, and Accounting Firms – A UK Case Study

British born Canadian, Jean James, is a visual artist, writer, and researcher, with a particular interest in organised crime and public sector corruption. Since her family was defrauded in 2007 by criminals using the British Court of Protection as a tool, she discovered the racketeering that targets the elderly and vulnerable in the UK. Her …