2002 Hohhof (US) Competitive Intelligence Analysis Tools

When Jan Herring, former National Intelligence Office (NIO) for Science & Technology, and co-founder of the Academy of Comptetitive Intelligence, wants an information broker as a partner for a complex assignment, Ms. Bonnie Hohhof is who he turns to. Although dated, the below presentation is a model for what analysts should be thinking about as …

2002 Klavans (US) Technology Mapping: A Workshop on (Open) Sources & Methods for Identifying Commercial Opportunities in Technology

Dick is President and Chief Executive Officer  of Maps of Science, having founded the company in 1991. Between 1991 and 2000, he created maps of science for large pharmaceutical, chemical and physics-based firms. He completely rewrote the computer algorithms in 2000, and continues to modify them in order to generate the most accurate maps possible. …

2002 Information wants to be free (UN ITU)

ABOUT Communication is fundamental to the valorisation of information, and together information and communication play multiple roles in social development. For example, layers of information have accumulated over generations to provide us with the stock of knowledge we take for granted in science, culture and everyday life. This knowledge is communicated from person to person …