SPECIAL: Jared Kushner Working for Israel to Enable Saudi Arabian Nuclear Attack Against Iran UPDATE 3: Trump May Be Gaming Zionists & Saudis, Pence to Go?

ROBERT STEELE: I have learned from a person I trust that Jared Kushner is being used by Israel to rapidly enable Saudi Arabian nuclear attack capability against Iran. In his recent call to the Lockheed CEO asking for a 12% discount (it should have been 50%) on Lockheed’s missile defense system, Kushner was overheard discussing …

Chuck Spinney: Top Israeli – Assad Did Not Do Gas — a False Flag Attack that Benefits Zionists and Saudi Arabia (and US Bankers)

In the attached opinion piece, Uri Avnery, Israel’s leading peace activist, brilliantly dissects the question of whether or not Syrian President Bashar Assad had any incentive to launch the recent gas attack on his own people in Idlib, Syria.  In so doing, Avnery ends up with the deeper question of whether President Trump’s recent cruise …

Yoda: Timeline of Trump Betraying Alt-Right While Zionists Capture White House — Syria is the Last Straw — Or is Donald Trump a Genius? UPDATE 7

Problems he has. How The Alt-Right Broke Up With Donald Trump Hunter  Wallace The attack on Syria was the final straw. It was a stunning turn of events. Donald Trump ripped up his “America First” foreign policy and threw it in the garbage in order to appease the political establishment. In doing so, he severely …

Berto Jongman: New York Court Accepts Totally Secret Motion from Pedophilia Convict Jeffrey Epstein in Support of Ghislaine Maxwell, Daughter of Zionist Spy Robert Maxwell

Convicted Pedo Jeffrey Epstein Silences Alternative Media Website Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has served legal papers to an alternative media website in order to stop them from publishing details surrounding a case involving sex trafficking. Dangerandplay.com reports: In a plot twist fitting of a Kafka novella, the entire motion is redacted. I can’t tell you what this motion …