Jon Rappoport: DHS Takes Over US Elections – This is a Coup [PBI: It Also Gives Zionists Who “Own” DHS a Chance to Control 2018 Elections]

This is a coup: the Homeland Security takeover of US elections On a scale of importance from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most important, this breaking development is a 500. On Friday, the traditional day of the week for quietly releasing big news that will hopefully be ignored by the public—and also obscured …

Mongoose: USS Liberty @ Arlington Cemetery Trip Report — US Government Continues to Lie About Zionist Atrocity Attack Possibly Ordered by LBJ

There were roughly 30 patriots at the USS Liberty memorial ceremony 8 June 2016. The US Government continues to lie about the raw fact that the Zionists committed an international war crime in attacking a clearly marked non-combatant reconnaissance vessel. We in counterintelligence consider this a crime for which atonement has not been made. We …

Greater Israel — Oded Yinon Zionist Plan for Destabilizing and Fracturing the Middle East

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East The Infamous “Oded Yinon Plan” By Israel Shahak Global Research, November 07, 2015 [first published April 29, 2013] When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing war on Syria and Iraq, the …

Eagle: Warmonger Bruce Jackson Exposed — How Zionists, Billionaires, and Lockheed Martin Beat the Drums of War

How to Make Millions by Selling War by Ken Silverstein,, September 17, 2015 EXTRACT He’s not uniquely rich or uniquely powerful or uniquely evil by the standards of the crowd he runs with, but it’s worth looking at the life and times of Bruce Jackson to see how one maintains power in DC, and what one …