Owl: Pentagon Unilaterally Grants Itself Authority Over ‘Civil Disturbances’

“The manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombing suspects offered the nation a window into the stunning military-style capabilities of our local law enforcement agencies. For the past 30 years, police departments throughout the United States have benefitted from the government’s largesse in the form of military weaponry and training, incentives offered in the ongoing “War …

Owl: Saudi Terrorists and Zionist Terrorists — From Same Jewish Roots?

This post refers to some new and remarkable historical findings (at least for the English-speaking world), stemming from new translation to English from Arabic, that can put more pieces into the the puzzle of the apparently amicable relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The first part of this post is not new, though useful in …

Search: intelligence and knowledge development

This is what NATO and Africa Command call their J-2 over-arching concept.  It is a useful concept, although it needs to be taken several steps further and also needs to be properly funded.  Right now it is a shadow puppet that lacks proper multi-lingual multinational sourcing, processing, and analysis, both human and machine.  Our over-arching …

Owl: Public Awake, Major Media Shredded — the Revolution IS Being Televised!

Blogger Jon Rappoport offers penetrating insight into the on-going implosion of image-based mass media, and it’s good news for truth (emphasis mine): “Television news is shriveling. And it’s under attack from a new breed. You can call them counter-programmers, video freaks, whatever.  But they’re winning. Every dollar and inch of technology the networks employ move …

Owl: Boston Narrative Unravels Further….

The Boston bomber official “narrative” just keeps on keeping on falling apart, and virtually on a daily basis.  After the full article below, I have put a commentary from someone else drawing parallels between 9/11 and the Boston bombing. Boston Terror Narrative Starts Falling Apart Posted onApril 22, 2013 by WashingtonsBlog Chechen Brothers Did NOT …