Stephen E. Arnold: Free Online 30 Days Only – The New Landscape of Search

The New Landscape of Search Your free copy of “The New Landscape of Search” can be downloaded from: The document will be available for the next 30 days [from 1 July] Phi Beta Iota:  150 pages.  Stephen E. Arnold remains light years ahead of government and corporate observers.  We continue to recommend The Google Trilogy, …

DefDog: Sanitize Office – Remove personal metadata

Sanitize Office: How to remove personal metadata Ms. Smith NetworkWorld, Thu, 05/31/12 Do you ever sanitize Microsoft Office products? Have you ever stopped to consider the potential privacy risk from personal metadata that is embedded in Microsoft Office products? Here’s how to remove it Yesterday Microsoft announced Office 365 for Government. Since “security and privacy …

20120627 Open Source Everything Highlights

Brazil’s Open-Government Shock Treatment Brightcove Open Sources App Cloud, Bets Big On Dual-Screen Apps For Apple TV Citizen apps – enough to monitor open government? Digital visibility is king but what colour is our Open Access future? Hackerspaces, makerspaces, DIYbio community survey IBM: Open source is not winning the war in virtualization, cloud … yet Open …

20120626 Open Source Everything Highlights

  Are You Ready For The Open Mobile Era? Assessment finds 23% of countries in Open Government Partnership have not submitted an Action Plan to spin off Empowered (Open) DCIM Manages More than just Power Generating Open Courseware using Podcasting, Screencasting, Blogs and Games Integrating the (World) Bank’s Open Data Kilmartin Praises New …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

British Special Forces in Syria CI Glossary (PDF at Cryptome) Collapsing US Credibility Convergence of Organized Crime and Terrorism Dark Money in USA – Mother Jones Drone Civilian Death Claims Mount Drone Death Figures Do Not Add Up Drone Policy Transparency Global financial cybercrime sting yields 24 arrests Drug Violence Interactive Map EU Plan for …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

24 June Uranus Square Pluto CBME Newsletter Drone Warfare (Book Review) Entanglement – Movie Trailer Extreme Right Wing Movements Fighting a Pandemic Flame Developed by Israel and USA GAO on Aviation Security Global Security Landscape Invisible Wars Movie Trailer Iran Detects Massive Cyber-Attack Israel – More Bunker Buster Bombs Jihaddist Twittering Jihaddist Twitter Use Meltdown …