Gareth Porter: Framing Iran for Khobar Towers — Who Benefits? Saudi Arabia & Zionist Israel UPDATE 1

Who Bombed Khobar Towers? Anatomy of a Crooked Terrorism Investigation The official Khobar Towers investigation led by FBI Director Louis Freeh was precooked to arrive at the outcome that had been politically determined by the White House. The only evidence of Saudi Shi’a involvement in the bombing was from confessions obtained by torture by Saudi …

CounterPunch: An End to AIPAC, An End to Zionist Subversion of US Government and US Policy?

AIPAC: Headed for Defeat (But That’s Not Why It’s Bad for the Jews) by Andrew Levine Citing Patrick Buchanan: “The president should declare Dermer [the Miami born, Israeli-ambassador to the United States] persona non grata and send him packing, then tell the Israeli government we will discuss a new arms package when you have a …

Gareth Porter: Obama’s False Narrative on Iran — Zionists — and Sunni Dictators “Own” the White House and the Black House

Obama’s line on the Iran nuclear deal: A second false narrative Buying into the narrative that Iran is a rogue nuclear state could harm the thawing of relations between the country and the US RELATED: Chuck Spinney: Uri Avnery on Sheldon’s Stooges — Netanyahu Declares War on Obama, Zionists Empty the Bench… Intelligence Director Clapper …

Chuck Spinney: Uri Avnery on Sheldon’s Stooges — Netanyahu Declares War on Obama, Zionists Empty the Bench…

Sheldon’s Stooges Uri Avnery, 25/07/15 [The author is a  former member of the Irgun, a hero of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, a former member of the Israeli Knesset, and Israel’s leading peace advocate. His awe inspiring biography can be found here.] EXTRACT He has practically declared war on the President of the United States, the Leader …

Mongoose: Paris 12 False Flag Video Evidence — Zionists Killing Innocents for Effect

Owl has previously suggested first 65% and most recently 80% probability of the Paris 12 being a false flag event. With the revelation of the Zionist ownership of the “victim” organization, and the video of a fake head shot with no splatter (as well as blank dust-off ), we now take our estimate to 90%. …