Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE 19: Israel Did It with Cheney & Mueller [New Book Indicts FBI In Detail]

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David Wilcock: New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It Back, extraterrestrial Technologies Including Free Energy To Be Disclosed Soon…

New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It Back At least four independent insider sources have revealed that the Alliance is now locating and legally seizing trillions and trillions of dollars in assets stolen by the Deep State. The money is set to be released back into the legitimate economy …

Robert Steele: Memorandum for the President: 9/11, Domestic False Flag Operations, and Your Legacy

9/11, Domestic False Flag Operations, and Your Legacy 4 July 2018 Dear Mr. President, The public needs to understand the truth about 9/11 and all of the follow-on domestic false flag operations organized by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as part of the larger police state / anti-gun agenda. The National Rifle Association (NRA), …

Preston James: Secret ET Global Takedown or just another Internecine Illuminati War?

Secret ET Global Takedown or just another Internecine Illuminati War? If you think the Deep-Black Secret Space War Program is the deepest of the Secret Shadow Government secrets, you would be mistaken. There is a whole other deeper category referred to as Beyond-Black and these are solely contained in special access unacknowledged programs, not even …