Hans Kern Interviews Robert Steele for Rag ‘n Rock: World Brain II.0 or How We Should End Secrecy and Learn to Harness the Hive Mind

World Brain II.0 How We End Secrecy and Harness the Hive Mind Robert Steele is unusual for an American… he is clearly internationalist in his orientation. He has written a book that can bring us together in facing our greatest enemies: ignorance, poverty, and mistrust. Rear Admiral Hamit Gulemre Aybars, Turkish Navy (retired) A conversation …

CounterPunch: Robert Steele: A Fantasy On the Seventh Day — How to Fast Track Extreme Democracy in the USA

A Fantasy: On the Seventh Day DAY ONE The fat sweaty Capitol Hill policeman was in lust. The perfect babe was walking past him toward the steps of The Capitol, wearing only a T-shirt and the shortest of shorts, carrying only a cell phone and a jug. The possibilities of a wet T-shirt fully occupied …

Michael Maxsenti: End Regulation Without Representation

Two parties feeling the pressure. Regulation Freedom Amendment You may be familiar with the proposed “REINS” Act proposed by some Members of Congress, which would, if enacted, require Congressional approval of major federal regulations. Of course, the chances of getting 60 Senate votes and a Presidential signature for such legislation are speculative at the current …

Michael Kearns: TruthOut on Time to Talk About the Next System

It’s Time to Talk About the Next System Cecilia Gingerich, TruthOut, 31 March 2015 EXTRACT It follows that for a systemic crisis, relief will come only through systemic solutions. This means structural changes to the political and economic systems, and a radical shift in social and cultural norms. Of course, accomplishing this will be no …

Marcus Aurelius: Jim Mattis on a New American Grand Strategy with Comment from Robert Steele

A New American Grand Strategy by General Jim Mattis Hoover Institution, Thursday, February 26, 2015 Questions asked and answered: What are the key threats to our vital interests? Is our intelligence community fit for its expanding purpose? How do we urgently halt the damage caused by sequestration? More broadly, is the U.S. military being developed …