Journal: Microsoft, Cyber-Security, Syllable, & Integrity

Silent Install Firefox Plugin Backfires on Microsoft posted by Kroc Camen    on Sat 17th Oct 2009 05:27 UTC Now a security hole has been found in a plugin that Microsoft have  been silently installing into Firefox.  Along with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, Microsoft have been silently  installing a Windows Presentation Foundation Plugin that allows the …

Review: The Secret Sentry–The Untold History of the National Security Agency

by Matthew M. Aid. Bloomsbury, 423 pp., $30.00 REVIEW BY James Bamford The New York Review of Books (5 November 2009) Pre-released in The Huffington Post (Full Review Here) Bamford on Detail, Steele on Impact–Solid Five Stars October 17, 2009 Phi Beta Iota: James Bamford is without peer in his understanding of the NSA. He …

Journal: “Pakistan Act” Weakens National Security

In opposition to the Pakistan Act, sponsored byBarbara Boxer [D-CA], Thomas Carper [D-DE], Robert Casey [D-PA], Hillary Clinton [D-NY], Christopher Dodd [D-CT], Richard Durbin [D-IL], Charles Hagel [R-NE], John Kerry [D-MA], Richard Lugar [R-IN], Sheldon Whitehouse [D-RI], Ron Paul offers some thoughts worthy of consideration. Phi Beta Iota: The Republic is now confronted with both …

Journal: On Experts, Lies, Climate, & Security

October 05, 2009 UN Climate Reports: They Lie By Marc Sheppard Speaking on the Senate floor in July of 2003, Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla) rightly called the threat of catastrophic global warming the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” The Cybersecurity Myth by Bob Crigely The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said this week …

Journal: Government Information Policy & Security Not Favoring the Public

EDITORIAL: Invasion of medical privacy Personal information is up for grabs with government health care Privacy rights are under threat in the House’s government health care plan. While plowing through the more than 1,000-page Democratic House bill, Declan McCullagh of CBS News uncovered provisions that would allow startling privacy intrusions. The innermost secrets of people’s …

Journal: Afghanistan = Viet-Nam, National Security Council Remains “Like a Moron”

Saigon 2009 Afghanistan is today’s Vietnam. No question mark needed. BY THOMAS H. JOHNSON, M. CHRIS MASON AUGUST 20, 2009 For those who say that comparing the current war in Afghanistan to the Vietnam War is taking things too far, here’s a reality check: It’s not taking things far enough. From the origins of these …