Journal: USNI/AFCEA Feature Stephen Carmel of Mersck Line Limited on Global Connectivity, Risk, Trade, and Security

Stephen Carmel is a world-class speaker with a truly compelling story to tell, and after learning about him from his appearance at the USNI/AFCEA Joint War Fighting Conference,  we were deeply impressed. Below we summarize the highlights from his speech, which we have put into a proper document with emphasis added throughout.  This is one …

Reference: Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report on The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Intelligence Enterprise–Operational Overview and Oversight Challenges for Congress

In our view the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) went down the wrong road, trying to create a “mini-me” secret enterprise.  The Joint Fusion Centers have all collapsed because–as we anticipated and articulated–there is nothing really valuable that can be done with a one-way saline drip from the top to the bottom.  Instead, DHS needs …