Robert Parry: The Saudi Connection to Terror

The Saudi Connection to Terror Exclusive: While Official Washington devotes much sound and fury to demands for a wider war in Syria and the need to turn away Syrian refugees, Democrats and Republicans dodge the tougher question: how to confront Saudi Arabia about its covert funding for Islamic State and Al Qaeda terrorists, writes Daniel Lazare.

Chuck Spinney: Open Letter to Obama by Drone Operators Denounces Drone Assassination

Obama’s drone war a ‘recruitment tool’ for Isis, say US air force whistleblowers Four former service members – including three sensor operators – issue plea to rethink current airstrike strategy that has ‘fueled feelings of hatred’ toward US Ed Pilkington in New York and Ewen MacAskill in London Guardian, 18 November 2015 Phi Beta Iota: …

Wayne Madsen: CIA; Turks created caliphate to launch attacks on Russia and China UPDATE 2 Russians Accuse CIA on ISIS

October 5-6, 2015 — CIA; Turks created caliphate to launch attacks on Russia and China CIA has been nurturing Russian and Chinese terrorists inside Syria. CONCLUSION: When Obama and his mouth pieces claim that Russia is attacking “non-jihadist” targets in Syria they are being disingenuous. What they should say, if they wanted to be honest, …

Robert Parry: US Intel Vets Slam CIA Use of Torture and New Book “Rebuttal” That Repeats Prior Lies by CIA “Leaders” — Robert Steele Comments

US Intel Vets Decry CIA’s Use of Torture Torture defenders are back on the offensive publishing a book by ex-CIA leaders rebutting a Senate report that denounced the brutal tactics as illegal, inhumane and ineffective. Now, in a memo to President Obama, other U.S. intelligence veterans are siding with the Senate findings and repudiating the torture apologists. Comment by …

Antechinus: US Intelligence Chief a Cartoon Fantasy?

US intelligence based on a cartoon fantasy? Is this their answer to being called old porn queens by VICE? Spy Chief James Clapper Compares U.S. ‘Intelligence Community’ To Spider-Man “Spider-Man is known for his precognitive ‘Spidey Sense.’ Many of our customers expect us to be clairvoyant when it comes to world events,” Clapper said. RELATED: …