Gordon Duff: Israeli Covert Action in USA Led by Senator John McCain?

Israeli hoax on Gen. Dempsey unmasked Hoax exposed: Gen. Dempsey rebuffs speculations he called for Syria raids “In truth, the calls for ‘kinetic strikes’ on Syria came from Senator John McCain of Arizona, a member of the Israeli lobby who met with Al Qaeda leaders in the Arab country in late May, 2013.” Read full …

Gordon Duff: Israel Hit Hard by EU Sanctions Linked to 1949, Not 1967, Borders, and Lack of Israeli Integrity in Dealing with Palestinian Issue

Israel Hit with EU War Crimes Sanctions EU sanctions keep Israel guessing In a surprise last minute move, the European Union set forth a strong set of economic sanctions against Israel, leaving that nation both surprised and reeling. The sanctions, stimulated by what the EU refers to as “Israeli intransigence” regarding peace talks with the …

Chuck Spinney: Israeli Genocide & Other Atrocities Against the Bedouin — Funded by the US Taxpayer!

Written by an Israeli activist. Published on Friday, July 12, 2013 by Al Jazeera Israel’s ‘Indigenous Invaders’ How Israel justifies the imminent relocation of thousands of Palestinian Bedouin by characterizing them as invaders. by Neve Gordon and Nicola Perugini On June 24th the “Prawer Plan for the Arrangement of Bedouin-Palestinian Settlement in the Negev” passed …

Berto Jongman: West Point Software for Mapping Organized (Street) Crime — Made in Israel, Another Back Door to US Data?

Unmasking organised crime networks with data Military software engineers have developed a program that can predict the social structures of street gangs. Philip Ball explains how it could help fight crime. One of the big challenges in fighting organised crime is precisely that it is organised. It is run a bit like a business, with …

Owl: YouTube (8:00) Corrupt US Media Blacks Out Israeli Torture of Palestinian Children as Investigated and Documented by the United Nations

UN Accuses Israel of Torturing Palestinian Children This Real News Network report discusses two human rights violations against Palestinian children that were first publicized by an Israeli organization and have since been investigated by the UN: abusive confinement and prosecution, and using them as human shields. Phi Beta Iota: The US Media may well be …