Rickard Falkvinge: Sweden Works for NSA Which Works for Israel, Against Russia and Also Europe?

Documents: Sweden Wiretapping Russia’s International Traffic For The NSA Privacy: Earlier documents put in context with recent revelations show that Sweden has been systematically wiretapping Russia on behalf of the United States. This is clear after putting a number of previous questionable agreements and developments in context today. The question that remains is what Sweden gets …

Berto Jongman: Did Israel Bypass Russians with Submarine Missile Attack on Syria Last Night?

Did an Israeli Dolphin submarine just bypass the Russian S-300 batteries in Syria ? Editor’s Note… Semi-official reports in the recent 36 hours describe a mysterious blast in a Syrian arms depot in the city of Latakia ,located well within the Allawite enclave in North Western Syria. FSA sources claimed responsibility for the blast, but …

NIGHTWATCH: Egypt Tarred with Benghazi, Israel Escapes Notice

Libya: This week the Kuwaiti newspaper Al Rai published a Libyan intelligence report of the results of its interrogation of terrorists connected to the Benghazi attack in which a US Ambassador was murdered. According to the report, the Egyptian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood and President Mursi were involved in the plot to attack the …

Gordon Duff: Allegations Against Bloomberg (Media) as Israeli PSYOP Outlet

Bloomberg [Media] Caught in “Psyop” Treason Bloomberg [Media] plays hoax against Obama A bizarre Bloomberg story, citing what was represented to be one of the biggest intelligence leaks in US history, hit during the G8 conference and the critical meetings between US President Obama and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin. The purpose of the story …

Berto Jongman: More on Israeli Control of NSA via Narus Company

Worth reading. Narus is a company, now a wholly owned subsidiary of Boeing, which provides real-time network traffic and analytics software with enterprise class spyware capabilities.[1][2] It was co-founded in Israel in 1997 by Ori Cohen, who had served as Vice President of Business and Technology Development for VDONet, an early media streaming pioneer, and …

Mini-Me: Did This Letter to Israel from JFK Catalyze the Order from New York to Assassinate the President of the United States?

Huh? July 5, 1963 Dear Mr. Prime Minister Eshkol: It gives me great personal pleasure to extend congratulations as you assume your responsibilities as Prime Minister of Israel. You have our friendship and best wishes in your new tasks. It is on one of these that I am writing you at this time. You are …

Neal Rauhauser: Israel Has No Claim on Litani Waters [But Stealing Water — Lots Of It — from Aquifers]

Israel: No Claim On Litani Waters Quality information on the Rivers Of The Fertile Cresent tends to be dense and technical, but there are occasional bits of political dynamite, such as this quote. The Fig. 1 mentioned is the above map of the Jordan & Litani river basins. On the other hand, it is worthy to …