Probably not an inspired choice.
New York Times June 5, 2010 Pg. 1
Obama To Name Retired General To Top Spy Post
By Peter Baker and Eric Schmitt
WASHINGTON — President Obama has picked Lt. Gen. James R. Clapper Jr. as director of national intelligence, tapping a retired officer with decades of experience to improve coordination of the nation’s sprawling spy apparatus amid increasing threats at home and escalating operations abroad.
Mr. Obama plans to announce his choice in the Rose Garden on Saturday, two weeks after forcing Adm. Dennis C. Blair out of the spymaster job, according to administration officials, who insisted on anonymity to disclose the decision before the formal ceremony.
See also:
Phi Beta Iota: This alone–a farce on top of a farce–makes him unsuited to the position. Obama and Gates know what they want: to continue Grand Theft Intel as the same time that Grand Theft Pentagon continues the looting of the public treasury. If Congress can rediscover its integrity and invite former Senators such as David Boren (D-OK), Pat Roberts (R-KS), and Bob Graham (D-FL) as well as Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA), they might discover the universal condemnation of “business as usual,” which is precisely what this nominee represents. Whatever claims are made about transformation or revolution will at best be pap and at worst a deliberate breach of trust in lying to the Congress. Dick Cheney would be proud of what passes for leadership in the Department of Defense today.
Reference: Human Intelligence (HUMINT): All Humans, All Minds, All the Time
Earlier Posts on DNI Self-Destruction:
Journal: With No Successor In Sight, Intelligence Czar Departs
AFIO Selected Headline Links with Phi Beta Iota Comments
Intelligence Headlines of Note
Reference: Strategic Asymmetry–with Comment