Worth a Look: Overthrow of the American Republic by Sherman Skolnick (Free Download)

Overthrow of the American Republic Sherman Skolnick was the paraplegic Jewish activist who exposed a lot of the judicial corruption in the federal courts in Chicago and sent many federal judges (about 60 or so) to prison under Operation Greylord. Nobody wanted to take him out because he was Jewish and crippled. He was a real character …

Randy Short: Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Representative David N. Cicilline (D-RI-1) Introduce Bill to Normalize Pedophilia

This bill amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity among the prohibited categories of discrimination or segregation in places of public accommodation. The bill defines: “sex” to include a sex stereotype, sexual orientation or gender identity, and pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition; “sexual orientation” as …

SPECIAL: Review: The Shadow President – The Truth About Mike Pence

Michael D’Antonio & Peter  Eisner 4 Stars — Hit Job on Trump, Destroys Pence This book buries Mike Pence — ignorant, lazy, delusional, ambitious beyond his abilities. Although I remove one star for the relatively low-brow trashing of our President (Donald Trump), on balance the authors have rendered a stellar public service with this book.  …

Robert Steele: Tim Cook & Anti-Defamation League – Enemies of the Republic

The below article is right on target. Tim Cook is a deeply unethical person who is making possible a fascist censorship system controlled by the Zionist apartheid genocidal invented state of Israel which no thinking Jew (or Christian) supports. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is the “trusted flagger” for #GoogleGestapo and is in constant violation of …

Robert Steele: In Memory of John Paul I, Murdered by Order of Then Cardinal Ratzinger Today Pope Benedict (Retired)

The Catholic Church rose from the ashes on 26 August 1978, only to descend back to the lower depths 33  days later after then Cardinal Ratzinger (today Pope Benedict retired) and one other Cardinal ordered and arranged for the murder not only of The Most Holy Father John Paul I, but many other senior Church …

Robert Steele: Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflections on What Is Not Visible…

Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflections on What Is Not Visible… Russian International Affairs Council 20 November 2018 I always appreciate the thoughts of Andrey Kortunov and read “Trump-Putin Meetings: Do Elephants Need Celibacy”[1] with great interest.  While I agree with most of what my colleague has written, I want to make a few points that should be encouraging …