Journal: Get America Working-A Conversation Part IV Enter usfruct (husbandry of the planet) and Spiritual Ecology

Harrison Owen: Well said. And I rather suspect that the core of the matter is deeper than Culture – and that would be an extended conversation. But it is certainly not about rule change and redesign, I think. Alexander Carpenter: Right on, as your imminent study of evolutionary psychology will confirm. I reckon we don’t …

Review: Prophets of War–Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex

William Hartung Final Review: Boring, Limited, Not for General Audience January 3, 2011 After reading this book, which I found to be extremely boring, I have to give Pierre Sprey very high marks for his substantive contributions to the C-SPAN Book interview of the author. My summary of that interview is therefore an important part …

Journal: Amazing Combat Medical Statistics Portend Unknowable Long Term Costs

The Pentagon likes to refer to combat euphemistically as “kinetic” activity.  This very important report documents the truly impressive advances in battlefield medicine in Afghanistan to cope with the kinetic activity that hurts our troops.  The bottom line:  the ratio of killed to wounded has decreased at an amazing rate, because many troop suffering from …

Weak Signals: Reality Sandwich Business Shamanism

Business Shamanism Daniel Pinchbeck Using the tools of corporations to reprogram global society and distribute a new cultural operating system Image by fdcomite, courtesy of Creative Commons license. Now that the Evolver network and brand have established themselves to a certain extent, I want to look ahead to developments I hope to see in the …

Indications & Warning: Army Spirit and Public Fat

Army’s “Spiritual Fitness” Test Comes Under Fire Jason Leopold TruthOut Wednesday 05 January 2011 Test Was Designed by Psychologist Who Inspired CIA’s Torture Program An experimental, Army mental-health, fitness initiative designed by the same psychologist whose work heavily influenced the psychological aspects of the Bush administration’s torture program is under fire by civil rights groups …

Reference: WATER–Soul of the Earth, Mirror of Our Collective Souls

Robert David Steele Comprehensive Architect, Prime Design Huffington Post, Posted: January 5, 2011 21:08 PM Last week I examined how we might create Infinite Wealth for All, but left for this week the most vital element of life on earth, Water. It is the soul of the Earth, and it is black with the sins …