Mongoose: Legacy of George H. W. Bush

Political Succession and “The Bush-Clinton Nexus”: Permanent Criminal State. The Legacy of George Herbert Walker Bush The atrocities and crimes of the Bush family, headed by George Herbert Walker Bush, are unspeakable and unimaginable in depravity and scale. Decades of war, war crimes, and treason. Global narcotics trafficking, money laundering, fraud and financial looting. Mass …

Robert Steele: US Admiral Scott Stearney Assassinated in Bahrain? Related to False Flag (Fake Iranian Attack on US Naval Vessel)

Navy admiral Scott Stearney found dead in Bahrain, no foul play suspected UPDATE: My intentional provocation produced two push-packs, both equally credible: 01 He was “suicided” (assassinated) because he was going forward with a false flag approved by Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Trump team got to him in time to stop it and message …

SPECIAL: US Attorney (New York) Acknowledges Letter Demanding Criminal Grand Jury for 9/11 and Commits to Submit Evidence to Special Grand Jury

United States Attorney Agrees to Comply with Federal Law Requiring Submission to Special Grand Jury of Report by Lawyers’ Committee and 9/11 Victim Family Members of Yet-To-Be-Prosecuted 9/11 Related Federal Crimes This is the first step toward indicting Dick Cheney and the various traitors that enabled the Zionist planning and execution of 9/11 beginning in …

Robert Steele: Zionism, Judaism, & the Apartheid Genocidal State of Isreal — A Super Article by Lynda Burstein Brayer

Zionism, Judaism and the Jewish State of Israel: Separateness, ontological uniqueness and Jewish morality are its characteristics by Lynda Burstein Brayer for The Saker Blog “I have been asked as to what I consider to be the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There will never be a freely-agreed upon political solution unless the Jews admit …