Marcus Aurelius: IRS & DOJ Grabbing New Powers in Hunt for Revenue [But Ignoring Financial Speculators]

The IRS & DOJ Are Grabbing New Powers In The Hunt For Revenue Bruce Krasting|December 24, 2011| 62,456|55 Two headlines. Similar stories. The first from Switzerland: US OFFERS SWISS BANKS A DEAL The United States authorities have offered to lift the threat of legal action against 11 Swiss banks in exchange for information, a Swiss …

John Bogle: ENOUGH – Speculation Bad Investment Good

Bogle: Time for speculators to pay fair tax share MARK JEWELL Associated Press, 22 December 2011 EXTRACTS: Bogle says he’s paying close attention to tax policies he considers unfair, including one that’s favorable to the fund industry and investors with taxable accounts. The top rate for dividends and long-term capital gains is historically low at …

Mini-Me: Vaclav Havel – Reflections on Dissent & Democracy

Vaclav Havel personified the “power of the powerless.”  He understood — as John Paul II understood – the value of integrity, the value of truth.  The second paragraph in the article below is all too eerily suggestive of the USA in an era characterized by weapons of mass deception, unlawful indefinite detention, warrantless surveillance, and …

2011 Robert Steele: Global Trends 2030 – Gaps + RECAP

UPDATE 11 December 2012:  The report is now out.  The below commentary was posted 12 December 2011, one year prior to the final report.  Global Trends 2030: Full Copy (166 Pages) Here, Review by Robert Steele — Report Lauds Fracking as Energy Solution, Disappoints on Multiple Fronts Although Global Trends 2030 will not be released …

Mini-Me: European-US Banking–Tangled Web — Tell Me Again, Why Shouldn’t We Default and Let the Banks Fry? + Financial Terrorism RECAP

The question has to be asked: “Why shouldn’t we default and let the banks fry?” What possible benefit it there to the people of a nation whose previous leaders “sold out” the entire country on the basis of lies from the banks, notably Goldman Sachs? Why not default and focus on full employment and resilience …