Jean James: Broken and Corrupt Police Forces in Collusion with Broken and Corrupt Judges, Lawyers, and Accounting Firms – A UK Case Study

British born Canadian, Jean James, is a visual artist, writer, and researcher, with a particular interest in organised crime and public sector corruption. Since her family was defrauded in 2007 by criminals using the British Court of Protection as a tool, she discovered the racketeering that targets the elderly and vulnerable in the UK. Her …

Berto Jongman: CIA Claims It Lost Dozens of Spies in China and Iran to Failed Google Covert Communications (Robert Steele Comments: BULLSHIT — This is a Cover Story for Not Having Any Spies in Those Countries)

Dozens of US spies killed after Iran and China uncovered CIA messaging service using Google One former official claiming that “our biggest insider threat is our own institution”. The CIA’s communications suffered a catastrophic compromise. It started in Iran. Yahoo News’ reporting on this global communications failure is based on conversations with eleven former U.S. …

Mongoose: James Clapper, Abject Persistent Liar

Falsehood shames Clapper, Brennan and pledge to protect whistleblowers John Solomon, The Hill America owes a debt of gratitude to the CIA and our other intelligence agencies for the unheralded work they do each day to keep us safe from a rising tide of counterterrorism, counterespionage, cyber attacks and foreign threats. But that pride, appreciation …

Scott Bennett: America’s Political Twilight Zone — Desperate False Flags — Author Fears Assassination of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez UPDATE 1: Nancy Pelosi Hates Her…Risk Remains

AMERICA’S POLITICAL TWILIGHT ZONE Scott Bennett Former U.S. Army PSYOP Officer-State Counterterrorism Contractor The recent alleged incidents of the Khashoggi murder, the migrant-refugee invading “caravan” from Central America, the pipe-bomb mailings to leftist-democrat figures, and the Jewish synagogue shooting must be viewed as parts of a larger whole to discern both the direction and momentum …

Ed Jewett: The Illegal Invaders Caravan and the Protocols of Zion

Protocols It is not debatable that the ‘caravan’ isn’t the coincidental and unorganized decision of thousands of people to simultaneously take a long walk to the United States.  Just the logistical aspect of looking after this many people in a rolling march through Central America would be very complicated, and very expensive.  When you add …