Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Management – A Work in Progress

Open Source Management: A Work in Progress I have attended a couple of “open source” events over the year. Most of the attendees are male, serious, bright, and similar to the fellows in my advanced high school math class and our math club. The few women present were notable because there were so darned few …

SchwartzReport: Keystone Pipeline Scam United Kochs (New York Money) with Decrepit Legacy Refineries (Texas Energy) to Screw the US Public Generally

Now you see the curtain pulled back. The Keystone pipeline is a classic example of profit for the few — the Koch’s could make many many billions from Keystone — and potential disaster for the many. It is now completely transparent. And yet it could still happen. The Koch-Keystone Connection: Brothers Are The Largest Lease …

David Swanson: Do We Blame Sociopaths — or a Society Become Pathologically Dysfunctional?

Can We Really Blame Sociopaths? I’ve been hearing increasingly from multiple quarters that the root of our problems is psychopaths and sociopaths and other loosely defined but definitely different beings from ourselves.  Rob Kall has produced a quite interesting series of articles and interviews on the subject. I want to offer some words of caution …

Transition Network Concept Paper: Region-Wide Resilience in New England

Reflections for Consideration This short paper offers some “grist for the mill” as we consider together what regional resilience could mean for New England. Download this document as a PDF. New England has a long tradition of radical communitarian culture. The colonists came here as congregations or communities rather than as individuals. Communities banded together …

Owl: Malaysian Airlines a Mossad False Flag? Update 4

UPDATE 13 MAR 14: Owl: Malaysian Airlines Flight Hijacked via AWACS? Chinese Engineers Renditioned? Flew 4 Hours After Radar Loss – False Flag Blocked By Public Intelligence? Owl: Was a Harry Potter-Like Electronic “Cloak of Invisibility” Used on Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 by Freescale Semiconductor Contractors? Malaysia Airliner Communications Shut Down Separately: US Officials Say …