Owl: Lt Chris Dorner USNR Fan Club Grows — Are Citizen Snipers Swarming to Los Angeles? Presidential Pardon and Truth & Reconciliation Recommended!

Lt Chris Dorner, USNR (Honorable Discharge) is acquiring a fan club. Chris Dorner Fan Club The 2nd half of this article below is about a a 1972 incident in New Orleans about another black, a vet, who loses it from constant injustice, and ends up killing a lot of cops and civilians before they get …

Owl: Mike Ruppert on WHY $1 Million is Offered for the Rogue Cop – Catalyst for West Coast Uprising?

According to a recent radio show hosted by Michael Ruppert, Dorner has worked with Navy Seals (perhaps implied in the wiki bio below) – he’s a well-trained warrior, an operator. Ruppert mentioned much else about Dorner that will strike students of John Robb’s writings on the “global guerilla” as having many affinities to this type …

Owl: Confirmation of John Brennan at CIA Equals Congressional Approval of Open Season on “So-Called Americans” — Without Due Process, At Home or Abroad — And Thousands More Extrajudicial Killings of Foreigners

This offers a brilliant analysis, a “connecting of the dots,” of why Petreaus was set up to leave CIA. But that’s not the main story. The general’s affair was cover used by Obama for getting rid of Petraeus to install Brennan for a special purpose: “If Brennan were to succeed Petraeus at the C.I.A., the …

Owl: Irresponsible Government = Death by Vaccine –Thank You Bill Gates — Meanwhile $75 Billion a Year on Secret Intelligence Protects No One, Informs No One….

The Danger of Vaccines: More Proof Which vaccines contain human protein and DNA? Would you object to taking vaccines on moral, philosophical, scientific or religious grounds knowing you are consuming human material? The FDA itself admits in its “Vaccine Ingredients Calculator” that’s what you are receiving in a vaccine. “A recent CBS News Investigates article …

Owl: Disposable Drones to Assassinate Military-Industrial Complex Leaders and Bankers at Home — Panic, Anyone?

A brief article Bring on the Drones! offers a wonderfully hopeful and positive view of open-sourced drone technology that will be available to the 99%. Here’s the key take-away quote from it: “Imagine, if you will, a world in which drones are cheap and widely available. Then stop and think about the target profile of …

Patrick Meier: Does Big Data Lead to a Knowledge Society? No.

Big Data for Development: From Information to Knowledge Societies? Unlike analog information, “digital information inherently leaves a trace that can be analyzed (in real-time or later on).” But the “crux of the ‘Big Data’ paradigm is actually not the increasingly large amount of data itself, but its analysis for intelligent decision-making (in this sense, the term ‘Big …