Owl: The Saga of Justice Kavanaugh UPDATE 55: Senate Report Sends Swetnick & Avenatti Toward Jail…

Short Memorable URL if you wish to tell others: http://tinyurl.com/bothright-moveon UPDATE 55: Katz and Avanatti should lose their law licenses. The witnesses who lied with malice should serve jail time. Senate report paints devastating profile of Justice Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick UPDATE 54: The false witnesses against Judge (now Justice) Kavanaugh have been referred for …

WARNING NOTICE: WordPress.com is Part of #GoogleGestapo, Owns VaultPress (JetPack) — All Truthers Are Vulnerable to WordPress.com Destruction of their Life’s Work with No BackUp

WARNING NOTICE This month I spent money I could ill afford to create an entirely new backup system completely independent of both my web platform services provider (DreamHost, who has affirmed to me that they support the 1st Amendment), and JetPack, the third party backup service. JetPack is owned by VaultPress which is owned by …

Stephen E. Arnold: You Are Your Phone — There Will Be No Anonymnity

Google: Making Cross Correlation Factually Fluffy General Tso Dish? I read “Google China Prototypes Links Searches to Phone Number”. This is one of those write ups which offers some possibly accurate information attributed to anonymous sources or “sources familiar with the project.” Nifty. Nothing like anonymity. But for the moment, let’s assume that queries from …

Penguin: Beyond Amazon – Serverless Open Source

Amazon does not meet the requirements for anonymity, identity, privacy, and security. Indeed it appears to be taking inappropriate liberties in cross-correlating across silos of data that have an expectation of privilege. Is Serverless the Future of Open Source and Software Development?

Norie Huddle: Pay to Play at Work: US Votes Against Breast Milk in Favor of $70B Toxic Infant “Formula” Milk Requiring Mixing with Polluted Water…

Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution by U.S. Stuns World Health Officials I see three points in this extraordinary piece that should be emphasized: 1. The unwillingness of almost everyone to speak without having anonymity, for fear of reprisals from the US.   2. The fact that RUSSIA – evil Russia – stepped up to the plate.   3. …

Stephen E. Arnold: 5,000 Facebook Fake News Identities for Sale…

Fake News May Be a Forever Feature According to the story: For $13, a Buzzfeed reporter was able to buy the longstanding Facebook profile of a fake 23 year old British woman living in London with 921 friends and a deep, plausible dossier of activities, likes and messages. The reporter’s contact said they could supply …

Berto Jongman: Former Head of MI-6 Loses His Mind – “Good-bye James Bond, hello big data”

Goodbye James Bond, hello big data Former head of Britain’s MI6 recounts how intelligence gathering has changed deeply “Now, the most important person in any intelligence service is the data analyst, because it’s the data analyst who will tell you where the threats are coming from and where the opportunities are emerging that you as …