Berto Jongman: Computational Intelligence (aka Artificial Intelligence and/or Intelligent Systems)

2013  Computational Intelligence: A Methodological Introduction 2012 Computational Intelligence and Decision Making: Trends and Applications (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering) 2012 Computational Intelligence and Its Applications: Evolutionary Computation, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Techniques 2012 Computational Intelligence for Privacy and Security (Studies in Computational Intelligence) 2012 Modern Advances in …

Reference: 1986 CIA Artificial Intelligence Bibliography

It cost CIA $3000 to teach us the word “heuristics” also known as “rules of thumb.  Attempts to leverage expert & decision support systems heuristics, encoding specificity, and cognitive mapping decision making in foreign policy ultimately failed for two reasons: 1.  No over-arching authority able to force the Directorate of Operations (DO) to enter the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Artificial Intlelligence Fakery and BigTech #GoogleGestapo Architecture of Surveillance

An Artificial Intelligence Doubter: Remarkable The often cynical and always irreverent Piekniewski’s blog has posted another perspective of the AI field in, “AI Update, Late 2019 – Wizards of Oz.” AI and deep learning scholar Filip Piekniewski has made a habit of issuing take-downs of AI propaganda, and this time he takes aim at self-driving …

Ed Jewett: US Intelligence Community Admits Ineptitude with Open Source Information

 Intel Community Grapples With Key Open Source Intel “In our defeat-ISIS activities, we’ve had a struggle and presently continue to struggle with the challenge of open source and publicly available information, and how we leverage that to make it truly useful for the warfighter,” Jospeh Votel, former head of both Special Operations Command and Central …