Mongoose: Google Evil Exposed — Censorship, Deplatforming, Mind Control …

Don’t be evil: whistleblower Zach Vorhies breaks down how Google set out to literally program our minds Google is now a weaponized mind control tool that spreads disinformation while censoring the truth. “Google is undertaking to re-program the world according to their disingenuous application of ‘Social Justice,’”writes Alexandra Bruce, Publisher of ForbiddenKnowledge in a recent …

Berto Jongman: Michael O’Sullivan on The End of Globalization and the Rise of Leveller and Levanthian Powers

Globalisation is dead and we need to invent a new world order Globalisation is already behind us. We should say goodbye to it and set our minds on the emerging multipolar world. This will be dominated by at least three large regions: America, the European Union and a China-centric Asia. They will increasingly take very …

Preston James: Secret ET Global Takedown or just another Internecine Illuminati War?

Secret ET Global Takedown or just another Internecine Illuminati War? If you think the Deep-Black Secret Space War Program is the deepest of the Secret Shadow Government secrets, you would be mistaken. There is a whole other deeper category referred to as Beyond-Black and these are solely contained in special access unacknowledged programs, not even …