TRANCE Formation of America: True Life Story of a Mind Control Slave

TRANCE Formation of America was released in 1995 after the 1947 National Security Act was invoked to censor this testimony from the US Congressional Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Oversight. Today TRANCE, now in its 16th English edition, is referenced in major universities and is in law libraries worldwide due to its continued relevance to …

Neil Keenan: Gold War – The Global Financial System Is About To Shift

The Global Financial System Is About To Shift In August of 2011, myself and a very powerful political associate arranged a secret meeting of 57 global finance ministers (none from any Western nations) aboard a yacht in Monaco for the purpose of setting up a new worldwide, asset-backed financial system. Within several months, the agreement realized from that …

Robert Steele: Grand Strategy, Global Reality, & Re-Inventing US National Security Centered on Re-Inventing the US Army NEW: BOOK

SHORT URL: These are my personal views that do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of Defense or any element thereof. It is my privilege have completed a three monograph series for the U.S. Army’s Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), where I have been an External Researcher with several chapters and three monographs …