Information Operations Newsletter V 12 N 6

Articles in this issue are: 1.         Al-Qaeda’s Online Forums Go Dark for Extended Period 2.         Debate Rages over Hacking Jihadist Websites 3.         Electric Dragons – Airborne Electronic Warfare Capabilities in China 4.         ‘Azerbaijan Actively Joined Information Warfare’ 5.         Cyber War Will Not Take Place 6.         Designer Satellite Collisions from Covert Cyber War 7.         Al Hurra: …

Patrick Meier: Civil Resistance 2.0 – A New Database on Non-Violent Guerrilla Warfare

Civil Resistance 2.0: A New Database on Non-Violent Guerrilla Warfare Gene Sharp pioneered the study of nonviolent civil resistance. Some argue that his books were instrumental to the success of activists in a number of revolutions over the past 20 years ranging from the overthrow of Milosevic to ousting of Mubarak. Civil resistance has often been referred …

Berto Jongman: Russian Sixth Generation Warfare and Role of Openness

Russian Sixth Generation Warfare And Recent Developments Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 9 Issue: 17 While press attention on developments in Russia focused on the disputed parliamentary elections and the following protests, which seemed to revive political activism in Moscow and other urban centers, there have been some military developments that deserve some attention. One such …