Robert Steele: Death of a Nation — All Crazy, All Black, All Prisoners [Deal with It!]

Death of a Nation –All Crazy, All Black, All Prisoners Robert David Steele Donald Trump, speaking of recent murders, says we do not have a gun problem; we have a mental health problem. As scary as Donald Trump can be in his encouragement of white supremacists who favor “open season” on illegal immigrants,[i] there is …

Cynthia McKinny: PschDrugShooters

Someone has taken the time to catalog mass shooters in relation to the psychological drugs  they have been prescribed. PsychDrugShooters See Also: Michael Moore: Are SSRI Antidepressant drugs causing School Shootings? Prozac, Luvox Investigation

SchwartzReport: Pope & Tom Engelhardt Agree: Weapons Kill

Pope says weapons manufacturers can’t call themselves Christian In U.S., Domestic Terror, Cop Killings and Violent Gun Deaths with Suicides, Dwarf Anything “Jihadis” Have Produced Phi Beta Iota: It’s not about guns. It’s about culture and the lack of honest governance. We are “out of control” and the population is going crazy with pain from …

Review (Guest): American Coup – How a Terrified Government Is Destroying the Constitution

William M. Arkin 4 out of 5 Stars. We Live in “Forever-War” By Amazon Customer on September 22, 2013 Essentially: We now live in a time of “forever-war.” The worry about the government instituting martial-law is sooo 1990’s because we now truly live a martial life. And we’ve accepted it. There is no “over there” …