Daniel Araya: Brain Waves

‘Think To Speak’ Headset Is Breaking Down Communication Barriers This development comes thanks to Smartstones’ new mobile sensory speech app, which can be connected to an EEG headset that lets individuals reach out to others via ‘thought messages.’ Scientists Can Now Identify Individuals Based on Brain Waves—And It’s 100% Accurate …researchers from Binghamton University have found a more efficient …

Robert Steele: Eric Schmidt is a Moron [Under His Rules, This Post Would Be Censored]

Google’s Eric Schmidt calls for ‘spell-checkers for hate and harassment’ Google’s Eric Schmidt has called on the technology industry to put its collective intelligence behind tackling terrorism on the internet, by building “spell-checkers, but for hate and harassment”. NOTE: It is very likely The Guardian will delete the below comments as made publicly there. This …

Sepp Hasslberger: Mental Illness as Healing Force

What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital In the shamanic view, mental illness signals “the birth of a healer,” explains Malidoma Patrice Somé. Thus, mental disorders are spiritual emergencies, spiritual crises, and need to be regarded as such to aid the healer in being born.

Mongoose: Tom Cruise as Barry Seal on CIA Running Drugs via Arkansas — the End of Clinton & Bush Candidacies?

One of the biggest and fiercely kept “fog facts” in America’s Dirty Linen Basket – one for which any further revelations for both political parties is absolute dynamite with ample portions of nitroglycerine thrown in for good measure – has been made into a feature film, starring of all people Tom Cruise. Here’s a promo …