Zero Hedge: US Retailers With $1.5 Trillion In Sales Demand An Antitrust Probe Of Amazon And Google #GoogleGestapo

US Retailers With $1.5 Trillion In Sales Demand An Antitrust Probe Of Amazon And Google The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), whose members include Best Buy, Walmart and Target, demands an investigation whether Silicon Valley’s most prominent companies [Amazon and Google] are manipulating search results that disadvantage traditional retailers. RILA is expected to present its …

State of the Nation: 5G Trillion Dollar Lawsuit UPDATE: Mass Action “Notice of Liability” (Lloyd’s Refuses to Insure, For Good Reason)

5G Roll-out Facing $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit “Let’s see them square off with a phalanx of personal injury attorneys and cadre of environmental lawyers who will be marshalling through a $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit.” Of course, the biggest concern about what is essentially a military deployment of 5G is that it represents “The …

Tom Dietrich: Monetary Reform Plan Pays Off $22 Trillion (Robert Steele: Or Just Wipe It Out By Taking Away $22 Trillion Stolen by Banks)

Monetary Reform Plan to Pay Off the $22 Trillion Debt Over the Next 30 years. The Government has the Constitutional right to issue the US currency.  This has been affirmed three times by the US Supreme Court.  The Government issued the currency from 1776 to 1790 and again from 1836 to 1912 and the country …

Patrick Buchanan: We Cannot Win a War Today for Two Reasons – Our $4 Trillion Gift to China and Our $7 Trillion Quagmire in the Middle East…

Can U.S. fight 2 cold wars at once? Pat Buchanan: ‘We have, for decades, been financing the buildup of a Communist China’ How did the United States, triumphant in the Cold War, find itself beset on so many fronts? First, by intervening militarily and repeatedly in a Mideast where no vital U.S. interest was imperiled, …