NIGHTWATCH: Libyan Collaborators with USA Compromised – Embassy Breach, Captured Laptop(s) – Ambassador dies from smoke inhalation in an improperly designed “safe room”

US-Libya: Update: The British news outlet, The Independent, today published a detailed list of the extent of the security disaster in Benghazi, which goes beyond the tragic murders. According to The Independent, laptops were stolen that contain lists of Libyans who cooperate with the Americans, classified papers were taken and classified data was compromised. NightWatch …

Chuck Spinney: Secession of the Rich–Abandoning the State and Its People

Attached is a withering critique of UnAmerican Plutocracy in the American Conservative, written by my close friend and colleague, Mike Lofgren. Readers wanting to learn more about Mike’s argument should read his new book, The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted.  This book ought to be must …

Patrick Meier: Innovation and the State of the Humanitarian System + RECAP

Innovation and the State of the Humanitarian System Published by ALNAP, the 2012 State of the Humanitarian System report is an important evaluation of the humanitarian community’s efforts over the past two years. “I commend this report to all those responsible for planning and delivering life saving aid around the world,” writes UN Under-Secretary General Valerie …