20120627 Open Source Everything Highlights

Brazil’s Open-Government Shock Treatment Brightcove Open Sources App Cloud, Bets Big On Dual-Screen Apps For Apple TV Citizen apps – enough to monitor open government? Digital visibility is king but what colour is our Open Access future? Hackerspaces, makerspaces, DIYbio community survey IBM: Open source is not winning the war in virtualization, cloud … yet Open …

By the Case: The Open Source Everything Manifesto

Random House Special Markets is welcoming inquiries about purchasing this book by the case.  They only handle books being purchased to be given away, they do not handle books intended to be resold.  44 books per case, 45% per case is the standard discount. Director, Premium Sales: 1-212-572-2329 General Inquiry: 1-800-800-3246 Idea for Individuals:  Get …

Review (Guest): Ralph Peters on The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust

Robert David Steele Brave, provocative and valuable June 6, 2012 By Ralph H. Peters Format:Paperback|Amazon Verified Purchase Read this compact book in an evening–and think about it for a year. Robert Steele long as been one of our most interesting and challenging thinkers (although his writing is clear–a reflection of clear thought), and this book …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Anonymous Book – The Secret Lives of Dangerous Hackers Bedouin Uprising Cheat Sheet: Behind The U.S. Cyberattacks on Iran Conscious Leadership for Sustainability Earth 2062: An Optimistic Outline ELECTRICITY SUBSECTOR CYBERSECURITY CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL (MAY 2012) Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Drones FBI: New Internet addresses could hinder police investigations Genocide Forecasting Going Rogue: …

DefDog: Pentagon: sabotaging U.S. computers is an act of war against U.S. – but Iran cannot hold Stuxnet against US….

Pentagon: sabotaging U.S. computers is an actor of war against U.S. Homeland Security Newswire, 1 June 2012 The Pentagon has concluded that the act of sabotaging U.S. computers by another country may constitute an act of war against the United States. This conclusion opens the door for the United States to respond to such cyber …

Tom Atlee: Emerging EcoNomics #1 – DIY “Makers” and Resilient Communities

EMERGING ECONOMICS #1 DIY “MAKERS” AND RESILIENT COMMUNITIES by Tom Atlee So we find ourselves in the midst of economic disruptions that may well foreshadow long-term, whole-system economic breakdowns fed by a full spectrum of emerging dynamics – from resource depletion (especially peak oil and loss of fresh water and topsoil) to climate change, with …