Answers on OSINT for India 31 – OSINT Primer for Spies

Sir, I constantly encounter two issues: First, the spies think that Wikileaks and everything online is OSINT, they do not factor in analog sources or even human sources that are not controlled agents. Second, and related,  they think that the best open source information is to be found within the government agencies, and do not …

The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

17th Amendment If as you have previously asserted the 17th amendment wasn’t actually fully ratified, wouldn’t a Presidential announcement of same light a fire under those Republican state representatives/senators as they consider the implications for the importance of their legislative body? Maybe they would see a reason to certify Trump electors (which they should have …

Berto Jongman: International Crisis Group on 10 Conflicts in 2021

He appears to be an anti-Trumper and hence a Deep State apologist. He particularly ignores the fact that Trump started no new wars and began a deliberate withdrawal of US troops from around the world, while also cutting off US military support to CIA terrorism. 10 Conflicts to Watch in 2021

Berto Jongman: Future of Web 3.0 Internet Not Bright At All . . .

Internet 2021: Here’s what the new year will (and won’t) bring Now more than ever we depend on the internet for work, school, and fun. Will the internet providers rise to the challenge? Probably not. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, ZDNet . . . as Tom Wheeler, former FCC chairman and a visiting fellow in Governance Studies …