Jean Lievins: The Networked Society — DISRUPTIVE Technology Rules — and the Most Disruptive of All Technologies is C4ISR Technology that is Also Open Source

It’s about doing the impossible – faster Technology is transforming how everybody builds solutions and faster access to the latest technology gives you an unfair advantage. I work in Silicon Valley and we benefit from that unfair advantage. This is because the technology being invented here is not incremental but disruptive. EXTRACT: You will notice …

Jean Lieven: Local Motors Replay — Transformation of Design, Manufacture, and Sale of Personal Transport Vehicles

Green innovation: how Local Motors is revolutionalising the way cars and bikes are designed, manufactured and sold Alan Moore, Guardian Sustainable Business 22nd May 2013 Local Motors shares its innovations and lets customers be part of the car-building process, while keeping it local. Last year, I spoke at Shanghai’s Radical Design Week about the transformational …

Jean Lievins: YouTube (20:17) Seth Godin et al on The Future of Learning & the Death of Rote Education

The Future of Learning — the Death of Rote Education Ericsson put together an inspiring 20-minute video promoting its “Networked Society” and “Future of Learning” movements.  It’s worth watching whether or not you work in education because it makes some poignant statements about issues that affect our society as a whole. Here are 5 quick take-aways: …

Jean Lievin: Micro-Manufacturing and Open Source Everything — Re-Empowering Labor over Capital

Micro Manufacturing, Third Wave Style…Perfect for Worker Coops? In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits By Chris Anderson The door of a dry-cleaner-size storefront in an industrial park in Wareham, Massachusetts, an hour south of Boston, might not look like a portal to the future of American manufacturing, but it is. This …

Jean Lievins: 10 Ideas Driving The Future Of Social Entrepreneurship

Ideas Driving The Future Of Social Entrepreneurship Future of Social via Fastcompany 1. It’s about changing the system, stupid. 2. Change is accelerating. 3. To solve our problems we need more problem solvers. 4. It starts with young people. 5. Scale through collaboration. 6. Technology is driving creative disruption. 7. Power is moving from the …