Owl: John Podesta Emails Exposing Elite Pedophilia and Satanic Rituals Including Child Murder “Snuffing” UPDATE 1

WIKILEAKS: PODESTA ‘SPIRIT COOKING’ DINNER MADE OF BLOOD, FRESH SEMEN AND BREASTMILK BY ARTIST MARINA ABRAMOVIC – MOST DISTURBING PODESTA EMAIL YET? ‘Spirit cooking” is one type of cooking you won’t find shown on any cable TV food channel. It is a phrase that has appeared in a Wikileaks email to Hilary Clinton campaign manager, John …

Mongoose: Alleged FBI Insider Says Bill Clinton Will Die, Everyone Is Exposed including Elite Pedophiles, Benghazi Server, False Flag Events, All Part of the Final Drama

No direct knowledge, a good read. FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government! A thread on 4chan with an FBI insider confirms everyone’s worst suspicions.  The Hillary Clinton email server was merely a distraction from the Clinton Foundation and most of DC is in up to their necks in what could …

Owl: The Pedophile Billionaire that Could Bring Down Both Donald Trump and the Clintons

Pedophile Politicians and Billionaires Mix it Up This article thoroughly details the history of billionaire convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s double life as investment fund manager and pedophile, with emphasis on the latter. Like most articles that have appeared on Epstein, this one also mentions Bill Clinton’s deep friendship with him, implying a high probability that …

Mongoose: American Psychiatric Association Edges Toward Declaring Pedophelia to Be Acceptable

American Psychiatric Association Officially Condones Pedophilia: “It’s Normal to be Aroused by Children” The “Classifying Sex: Debating DSM-5” conference featured speakers who condoned pedophilia as “natural and normal for males.” Ultimately, the proposal to include hebephilia [sex with minors] as a legitimate disorder in the new edition of the American Psychiatric Association manual was defeated, and …

Mongoose: Catholic Church Payments Plan for Pedophile Priest Transgressions — Sodomy $50,000 to $75,000

2 bishops hid sex abuse of hundreds of children, Pennsylvania grand jury says In a practice seen in other dioceses, the bishop created a “payout chart” to help guide how much victims would receive from the church, the report said. Victims fondled over their clothes were to be paid $10,000 to $25,000; fondled under their …