Owl: Veterans Today on Justice Scalia’s Death — Murder, Pedophelia, and More….

Three articles by Gordon Duff of Veterans Today suggest Justice Scalia was a major figure in blocking prosecution of elite pedophiles, and perhaps a pedophile himself. Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting: White House confrontation over FBI file leads to Scalia killing [by pedophiles, not Obama] Scalia Sleeps With the Fishes: Worst person in the world …

Berto Jongman: Elite Pedophilia in Australia & USA

AU: Survivor of alleged elite paedophile ring including former prime minister speaks out A WOMAN claiming to be the victim of a “VIP paedophile ring”, which involved three former prime ministers, has alleged she was prostituted to “paedophile parties” at Parliament House in Canberra. US: Banned TV Documentary Exposes Government Child Sex Abuse Ring Conspiracy …

Owl: Transgenderism/Transageism – The New Elite Pedophile Frontier?

Transgenderism/Transageism: New Pedo Frontier? According to reporter Wayne Madsen, transgenderism will be used as pretext by which to legally expand pederasty. This article link he shared on his web site is about a 50+ man who abandoned his wife and seven children to live his “true life” as a six year old girl. As they say, you …

Justice: ISAF & Afghan Pedophilia — an Open Letter

A Rebuttal to Dr. David Price (Saint Martin’s University), Dr. Roberto González (San Jose State University), and Mr. Paul McLeary (Foreign Policy Group) from Jeffrey Bordin, PhD – 9 OCT 2015 Mr. McLeary, regarding your recent ‘Foreign Policy’ article Ghani Promises ‘Serious Measures’ Against Afghan Troops Who Sexually Abuse Children, you wrote:

USS Liberty Update: Israel Jammed Distress Frequencies, 4 out of 5 Torpedoes Missed, Ran Out of Ammunition — Intent Was to Sink Ship, Kill All

As the Zionist government of Israel continues to meddle in US internal matters, massing its legions of unregistered agents against the Iran treaty — most of these domestic agents bribed by payments (at a time when the US taxpayer funds 20% of the Israeli government budget) and all taking direction from this foreign power, it …