Search: Ghandi (sic) Gandhi Seven Social Sins

Gandhi not Ghandi.  We made the same mistake in the early years.  What a wonderful search, thank you for presenting it. Seven Deadly Sins Wealth without Work Pleasure without Conscience Science without Humanity Knowledge without Character Politics without Principle Commerce without Morality Worship without Sacrifice Also known as Seven Social Sins Rights Without Responsibility    8th …

Event Report: 20 Nov 09 NYC Counterinsurgency–America’s Strategic Burden Featuring Nagl, Kilcullen, Sheehan, Bergen, Coll Among Others

21 November 2009 Memorandum of Transmittal by Robert David STEELE Vivas Subject:  Counterinsurgency Conference Overview Mr. Jason Liszkiewicz, Executive Director of the Earth Intelligence Network (EIN) and resident in NYC, attended the 20 November 2009 conference on counterinsurgency (speakers identified on page two), and provided me with the notes on pages 3-9.  Below is my …

Worth a Look: WiserEarth Multilingual

Hello!, Hola!, Bonjour!, 你好! (Nǐ Hǎo), Buongiorno!مرحبا (Marhaba), Здравствуйте! (PRIvet), Guten Tag! 안녕하세요 (An nyoung haseh yo),こんにちは (Konnichiwa), שלום WiserTongues: Help WiserEarth become multilingual! Why speaking English isn’t enough Did you know that 60% of the WiserEarth Community comes from outside the United States? This is great news as we always wanted WiserEarth to be …

Reference: Berto Jongman Recommends

Today’s recommendaitons: Who’s who in the Somali insurgency: A Reference Guide Interview with Maajid Nawaz:Becoming a Muslim Radical New Quilliam report: British prisons are incubating Islamist extremism Selected Translation of the LIFG Recantation Document Decoding the New Taliban: Insights from the Afghan Field. Antonio Giustozzi gathers a renowned cast of journalists, experts, and academics to …

About: E Veritate Potens

The OSS Shield was originally developed for the Marine Corps Intelligence Center (Command) but the LtGen commanding the parent command both hated the center (despite it’s being the Commandant’s initiative) and had no sense of heraldry. E Veritate Potens is the motto, “From Truth, Power,” with a tip of the hat for the correct translation …

Journal: Chuck Spinney on Al Qaeda Message, Two Comments on CIA and Al Qaeda

First, a link to the translated Al Qaeda message. Then Chuck Spinney’s commentary on the rmessage (there is no assurance it is actually from Bin Laden, who may be long dead).   Finally, a Phi Beta Iota comment that will outrage the lame of mind and resonate with every average American. Bin Ladin Says US Should …