Mini-Me: The Prosecution of Aaron Swartz: Sharing Knowledge Is a Greater Crime Than Bringing Down the Economy

Huh? The Prosecution of Aaron Swartz: Sharing Knowledge Is a Greater Crime Than Bringing Down the Economy Ali Hayat Huffington Post, 13 January 2013 Aaron Swartz is no longer among us though the contributions he made to promote free flow of information and knowledge sharing will continue to benefit our present and future generations. He …

Owl: Open Season on Gun Advocates — Is There a Domestic Covert Action Program Underway that Includes Individual Assassinations and Staged Mass Murders?

Gun Makers on Obama’s “Red List”? According to some observers, several well-known manufactures of guns have died recently, and in one case, police declare the death a homicide. “John Noveske is one of the most celebrated battle rifle manufacturers in America. His rifles, found at are widely recognized as some of the finest pieces …

Owl: Tribunal in Malaysia Convicts George Bush and Five Others (in Absentia) as War Criminals

More on US war criminals as convicted by a tribunal in Malaysia. Crime Watch: American Presidents and their Advisors are War Criminals Especially this part: “Most Americans, their minds focused at the moment on the tragic slaughter of 20 young children aged 5-10, along with five teachers and a school principal in Connecticut by a …

Owl: UPDATED Top US War Criminals Named [Synopsis Added]

I put this first bit together to make it easier to grasp the depth and breadth of this scholarly and legal indictment. Scholar Names Top US War Criminals More Than Thirty Top U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes According to the distinguished American international law authority, Francis Boyle, a Professor of International Law at the …

Owl: Faith on the Hill — Catholics Up, Jews Down, Pentecostals in the Closet

Faith on the Hill: The Religious Composition of the 113th Congress ANALYSIS November 16, 2012 The newly elected, 113th Congress includes the first Buddhist to serve in the Senate, the first Hindu to serve in either chamber and the first member of Congress to describe her religion as “none,” continuing a gradual increase in religious …