Robert Steele: The US Oligarchy – Fascists on the Left, Fascists on the Right, No Difference — How Donald Trump Can Take Down the Deep State in 90 Days If He Will Listen and Act…

I should no longer be astonished, but the ignorance of the American people at large (indeed all publics including the UK and Nordic and European publics) combined with the craven complicity of the fake news media led by the Crap News Network (CNN) has resulted in there being a very large number of people — …

Robert Steele: UNHINGED: drone assassination – American suicide

REVIEW ESSAY Unhinged: drone assassination – American suicide Intelligence and National Security, 33/1 March 2017 We kill because we can: from soldiering to assassination in the drone age, by Laurie Calhoun, London, Zed Books, 2016, 400 pp., US$15.95 (paperback), ISBN 978 178360547 7 Drones and the future of armed conflict: ethical, legal, and strategic implications, …

Robert Steele: World War III has started – the public against the Deep State – everywhere – Deep State against Donald Trump – what is to be done? (Trump Revolution 08)

World War III has started – the public against the Deep State — everywhere. Robert David Steele, Visiting Norway in March, Answers Seven Questions Jan H. Kalvik & Robert David Steele Defense and Intelligence Norway, 10 March 2017 Robert David Steele, whom I recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize to a Norwegian Minister who is …

William Binney: Interview – the Good American

NSA, Bill Binney: “Things won’t change until we put these people in jail” The documentary ‘A Good American’ explain how 9/11 could have been prevented and how useful informations against terror attacks could have been obtained without spying on entire populations, 11 febbraio 2017 Full text in English Below the Fold

Thomas Carroll: Catherine Austin Fitts – Trump Under Assault – He Needs to Focus on Corruption & Lawlessness – Provides “Playbook” Being Used by Trump’s Many Enemies — Includes Pedophilia “Culling Machine” Comments

TRUMP NEEDS TO WATCH THIS VIDEO This lady is AMAZING. She ends by saying that we are likely to have a major pedophilia scandal in 2017; we should stop worrying about the economy and worry instead about whether we are going to have a human society or not. Supports Trump. Also Recommended by Betty Boop …