Henry Makow: War is a Satanic Sacrifice

Memorial Day Celbrates Satanic Human Sacrifice Monday is Memorial Day in the US, dedicated to honoring the war dead. Cabalist (Masonic) central bankers follow a long-term plan to degrade and enslave humanity. This is what Communism is really about. They finance both sides of every war to make human sacrifices to their God Satan, to make money and extend their tyranny.  Illuminati …

Jonas Alexis: The Khazarian Mafia in Hollywood – “Ethics? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Ethics…”

The Khazarian Mafia in Hollywood If you walk into the film industry and start interviewing people like Eli Roth, you will almost certainly hear incredible and bizarre things. Roth would tell you that he aspires to “fu$k up an entire generation”[1] through movies. Abrams declared elsewhere that “Jewish involvement in porn” is actually “is the …

Yoda: Media Hit Job on Mike Pompeo – Ignore Fact that Binney is Top Gun for Legal Signals Intelligence in Real World — Links to Reports Refuting IC Report on Russia

A conspiracy to discredit Mike Pompeo? All within two days, all with the same “conspiracy” theme? ORIGINAL STORY: Duncan Campbell and James Risen, “CIA Director Met Advocate of Disputed DNC Hack Theory — at Trump’s Request“, The Intercept, 7 November 2017. “…helps fuel one of the more bizarre conspiracy theories…” MEDIA HIT JOB CLEARLY ORCHESTRATED

Jeff Rense: Hitler in Argentina & The US-Hitler Bargain Including NASA (as well as CIA) as a German Preserve

The recent release of a JFK document pertaining to Hitler escaping to Argentina has given new life to long-standing but ignored evidence that the US made a pact with the Nazis. Even Hoover didn’t know until 1947. The memo from him ORDERING all efforts to explore the rumors (even then) that he and Mrs. Hitler …