Yoda: Open Decision Framework

Potential, has — intelligence, not. What is the Open Decision Framework? The Open Decision Framework describes a process for making transparent, inclusive decisions in organizations that embrace open source principles.

Marcus Aurelius: Mike Flynn on Winning Wars

Read what the President-elect’s National Security Advisor had to say about winning wars a couple of months ago. Military Review is the professional journal of the Army’s intermediate-level professional school, the Command and General Staff College. How about Winning Our Nation’s Wars Instead of Just Participating in Them? Extracts Below the Fold

Berto Jongman: Death of BBC, Questionable Capacity of CIA’s OSE

BBC at risk of death — CIA’s OSE allegedly covers 75% of world to BBC’s 25%. Open Source Stupidity: The Threat to the BBC Monitoring Service In addition to further severe budget cuts, BBC Monitoring is currently facing the loss of its Caversham Park headquarters (formerly owned by the Government) and many of its specialists …

Berto Jongman: Half of Humanity Not on Internet

Half The World’s Population Is Not Yet On The Internet Less than half of the world’s population still isn’t using the Internet, although the numbers are improving, according to a United Nations report.  A report recently released by the United Nation’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU) found that 47.1% of the population is online, an increase …