Zero Hedge: Judges Wrong — Trump Ban Countries Produced 72 Terrorists Arrested in USA

Did The Judges Lie: New Report Finds 72 Terrorists Came From Countries Covered By Trump Ban The federal judge who halted President Donald Trump’s travel ban was wrong in stating that no one from the seven countries targeted in Trump’s order has been arrested for extremism in the United States since the 2001 terrorist attacks. …

Doug Macgregor: Margin of Victory Presentation at Metropolitan Club, Washington DC 9 February 2017

On the evening of 9 February 2017 Col Dr Doug Macgregor presented a new briefing to a packed house at the Metropolitan Club of Washington, DC. Summarizing his latest book, Margin of Victory, his extemporaneous commentary was riveting. His two most important points: first, that Grand Strategy covers all elements of national policy, not only …

Noah Hanawait: Testimonial for Robert Steele

What could you do better? I’ve got nothing to say on that front. I’m vastly more well informed thanks to you’re countless book recommendations and reviews, your no-bullshit, yet eternally optimistic view of the world and the challenges facing it/us. Yours is absolutely one of the most important voices speaking out today in my opinion.

Eric Zuesse: US Lies About Crimea — Truth Helps

Things Will Get Worse Until US Stops Lying About Crimea Unless the U.S. government’s lies about Crimea — the ‘Russia seized Crimea’ narratives — become acknowledged to be lies, war between the U.S. and Russia can only continue to become increasingly likely, because the world is sliding toward World War III based upon these lies, and will therefore inevitably …

Lance Schuttler: CIA Spy Speaks Out After 30 Years of Censorship – Is It Time to Listen?

CIA Spy Speaks Out After 30 Years of Censorship – Is It Time to Listen? For thirty years Robert David Steele has been a proponent for intelligence reform. During all that time he has been silenced – marginalized – by the Deep State. Read full article with seven questions and answers. Back-up copy below the …

Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize – Robert David Steele

The below information was compiled at the request of Jan Helge Kalvik, Editor-in-Chief of Defence and Intelligence Norway. He submitted the below three documents to a Norwegian Minister who is an accredited nominator, with the recommendation that an official nomination be made. Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) – A Nordic Manifesto Open Source Intelligence Done …

Antechinus: Andrew Korybko on Incipient Hybrid War in South Central Africa and Mozambique

Incipient Hybrid War in South Central Africa and Mozambique An excerpt from Andrew Korybko’s book “Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change” (2015) has been posted at Global Research. The incipient Hybrid War on Mozambique hasn’t been a large-scale conflict and it has noticeably lacked a lot of the Color Revolution elements that …