On the evening of 9 February 2017 Col Dr Doug Macgregor presented a new briefing to a packed house at the Metropolitan Club of Washington, DC. Summarizing his latest book, Margin of Victory, his extemporaneous commentary was riveting.
His two most important points: first, that Grand Strategy covers all elements of national policy, not only national security — commerce and diplomacy, agriculture and energy — ALL elements of national policy must be managed as a whole to achieve peace and prosperity; and second, that wars are won or lost based on the ten years of strategy, policy, and acquisition that precede them — he did not say this, but it was clear that the military we have today cannot win wars.
Thirteen Slides Below the Fold
BRIEFING (13 Slides): Margin of Victory Presentation 9 Februrary 2017
Colonel (ret) US Army
Executive Vice President
Burke-Macgregor Group LLC
Reston, Virginia
See Especially:
Review: Margin of Victory – Five Battles that Changed the Face of Modern War
See Also:
Macgregor @ Phi Beta Iota (other briefings and papers)