Kaliya “Identity Woman” Young Update: Case for Decentralizing Social Identity

For two months between January and March I was in India researching their National ID system. I was part of the New America India-US Public Interest Technology Fellowship.The research is now live on their website and you can read it. Key Differences Between the U.S. Social Security System and India’s Aadhaar System More good news …

Lisa Renee: Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership

Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership The current culture wars are using aggressive mind control tactics to purposely attack Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership, to cultivate a generation of non-critical thinkers who automatically follow collectivism, coercion and blind obedience to another level of global tyranny. The problem, reaction, solution stage is being set, pushing for another round of …

Kerry Cassidy: Presidents Who Know Too Much — the Price of Secrecy is Death at the Top

PRESIDENTS WHO KNOW TOO MUCH : THE PRICE OF SECRECY [IS DEATH AT THE TOP] I am reading the book WATERGATE HOAX by Ashton Gray.  Gray goes into minute blow by blow detail proving Watergate was a planned CIA op.  And how it was a cover for stealing the L. Ron Hubbard protocols/works that deal with …

Review: US Air Force Secret Space Program by Michael E. Salla

SUMMARY REVIEW Michael E. Salla, US Air Force Secret Space Program (Exopolitics, 2019). 5 Stars — Best Over-All Timeline, Best of  Related Books by Same Author Reviewed by Robert David Steele This book — the fourth in a series — is a capstone work perfectly timed to the President’s planned disclosure of the past, present, …