Review: Power & Responsibility–Building International Order in an Era of Transnational Threat

Bubba Book January 6, 2010 Bruce Jones, Carlos Pascual, Stephen John Stedman EDIT of 7 Jan 09.  I got halfway through another book last night and now understand the Princeton-based idea that the US has enough power to demand changes and that earlier “balance of power” constraints might not apply.  On the one hand, this …

Journal: MILNET Focus on Afghanistan

Interview With Dutch Major General Mart de Kruif, Former Commander, Regional Command South Phi Beta Iota: Read every word.  Highlights include: ;1)  Every province is difference (see General Zinni’s characterization of the six different Viet-Nam wars in Battle Ready) 2)  Climate and Ops Tempo, not the Taliban, are the major challenge 3)  Taliban losing, resorting …