Michel Bauwens: Open Knowledge Production and Exchange of Local Content in Local Languages

Open Knowledge: Production and Exchange of Local Content in Local Languages Open Knowledge means a set of methodologies and principles that are related to both the distribution and the production of different knowledge works. In this context it is important to mention that the production as well as the distribution of knowledge works occurs in …

Michel Bauwens: Open Beats Closed – Slowly But Surely

Open and Shut Mark Pesce MoosesCloud, 27 October 2012 EXTRACT: “Closed can not fight open.  It can not find purchase to land a blow.  Microsoft has fought a decades-long war against Linux, only to lose the battle conclusively as the world moves to smartphones (Android), and embedded devices (such as the Light) running Linux.  Windows …

Owl: World Bank Leading Eugenics Actor? + Eugenics RECAP

The article provides no substantive information on World Bank vaccination programs including undeclared sterilization protocols, but past reports have found that various parties have in fact executed such programs. Leading World Bank Demographer: Vaccination Campaigns Part Of Population Reduction Policy Jurriaan Maessen ExplosiveReports.Com October 4, 2012 On October 2nd a retired demographer at the World Bank …

Owl: Between April and June 2012 more Americans were added to the food stamp program than found jobs…

Between April and June 2012 more Americans were added to the food stamp program than found jobs. An alarming data point from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee: More Americans are being added to food stamps than are finding jobs. The data is detailed in this chart, provided by the committee: As the …

Owl: Drugs of War – The Imperial Trade, Banks on Top

A Jaw-Dropping Explanation of How Governments Are Complicit in the Illegal Drug Trade The drug war is far, far more than just simply criminals at work, says scholar Oliver Villar. Note: The following interview helps us understand the drug war from a dramatically different perspective than the one the corporate media paints. Instead the traditional portrayal …

Owl: Covert Plans for Banking Holiday – Move Your Money Now…

Should the People Pull Their Money from the Banks While They Can? “The biggest banks in the US have been given advisement by US regulators that they must make plans to stave off a complete financial collapse without relying on the US government. Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and other technocrats have secretly crafted worst-case scenarios …