Journal: Bing West on Futility of the Grunt War in Afghanistan

Flagged by Marcus Aurelius.  Bing West, former Marine and former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs during the Reagan Administration, has put some straight-forwawrd words into the Small Wars Journal with a bottom-line that has been known to all of us for decades, but merits repetition over and over again until we finally …

Journal: Audit the Fed Favored by 75% and Growing

This movement, led by Congressman Ron Paul is gathering momentum across America, and could be the first sign of public consciousness that will ultimately destroy the two-party tyranny that sold our Commonwealth and gave our Treasury over to Goldman Sachs, Morgan, Citi-Bank, and other predatory ammoral Wall Street organizations.  Click on the logo above to …

Journal: Call for Signatures in Support of Open Primaries

There are at least four movements underway to destroy the two-party tyranny and restore the integrity of the U.S. electoral process and with it the integrity of the U.S. Government. Below is one such movement.  Others include the movement for Free and Open Elections, the movement to Unify Independents, and the movement to audit the …

Journal: An Ethical Code for Intelligence Officers

Tip of the Hat to Bruce Schneier August 11, 2009 An Ethical Code for Intelligence Officers August’s Communications of the ACM has an interesting article: “An Ethics Code for U.S. Intelligence Officers,” by former NSAers Brian Snow and Clint Brooks. The article is behind a paywall, but here’s the code: Draft Statement of Ethics for …