Justin Raimondo: Stop the CIA – Saudi Coup Against Donald Trump

Stop the CIA Coup The Deep State versus Donald Trump The CIA is up to its old tricks: overthrowing a democratically elected government. Only this time it’s our government. “Intelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the Kremlin ‘directing’ the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks, a second senior …

Craig Murray: The CIA — and The Guardian and The Washington Post — Are Lying to the Public

The CIA’s Absence of Conviction I have watched incredulous as the CIA’s blatant lie has grown and grown as a media story – blatant because the CIA has made no attempt whatsoever to substantiate it. There is no Russian involvement in the leaks of emails showing Clinton’s corruption. Yes this rubbish has been the lead …

Jeff Stein: CIA Veterans Urge Caution on Leaks Blaming Russia – PBI: Lies & Fake News…

CIA Veterans Urge Caution on Leaks Saying Russia’s Putin Tried to Get Trump Elected Jeff Stein in Newsweek EXTRACTS “OK, then let’s assume there is solid proof that Russian intelligence directed hackers passed the information to WikiLeaks/Assange. Even if all that is true, how would the CIA determine the Russian motivation for passing the information? …

Robert Steele: NYT (David Sanger, Scott Shane) WashPost (Adam Entous, Ellen Nakashima, Greg Miller) Full of Crap – Fake News — Russians Did Not Hack Election UPDATE 2

Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House Russia Hacked Republican Committee but Kept Data, U.S. Concludes The Obama Administration is being duplicitous at the last minute before the Electoral College meets on 19 December 2016, the CIA is lying, the “intelligence” is being fabricated, and both the New York …

Mario Profaca: Pearl Harbor – the Mother of All Conspiracies [US Provoked Japanese With Eight Covert Attacks, Allowed Attack to Happen Despite Knowing Well in Advance]

The Division of Naval Intelligence placed no credence in “rumors” On 27 January 1941, Dr. Ricardo Shreiber, the Peruvian envoy in Tokyo told Max Bishop, third secretary of the US embassy that he had just learned from his intelligence sources that there was a war plan involving a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. This information …

Berto Jongman: NY Post – Trump Needs to Make Heads Roll at the CIA and FBI (and Fire the DNI)

Trump Needs to Make Heads Roll at the CIA and FBI One of the thorniest questions facing the incoming Trump administration is what to do about America’s increasingly dysfunctional intelligence community, known collectively by its acronym, the IC. Made up of no fewer than 16 different agencies, the IC includes marquee services like the CIA …