BREAKING: Iran Threatens to Attack Trump Properties — Now That Is Personal!

Iran To Attack Trump Properties? Top Adviser Tweets List Of President’s Real Estate Empire After Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei clarified on Friday that ‘death to America’ really means death to President Trump, Secretary if State Mike Pompeo and other “American Rulers,” a top adviser to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani shared a list of …

CounterPunch: Andrew Levine on Sanders & The Jewish Question (Judaism is Not Zionism and Zionism is Irreconciliable with Judaism)

Sanders After Corbyn: The Jewish Question It doesn’t help either that what was once deemed “a light unto the nations” has become an international pariah state. How could any right-thinking person, Gentile or Jew, not think of it that way – after the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians living within Israel proper, the imposition of an …