Worth a Look: Nokia and Information Mapping

After 3 years living, studying, working and teaching in NYC, Manuel moved to London where he currently works as a Senior User Experience Designer at Nokia’s NextGen Software & Services. Manuel is also a frequent speaker in conferences and festivals around the world, on the topic of Information Visualization, in particular the visualization of complex …

Journal: Dr. Dr. Dave Warner Shares…

Dr.Dave Warner, a medical neuroscientist, has an MD/PhD from Loma Linda University, is the director of the Institute for Interventional Informatics and has gained international recognition for pioneering new methods of physiologically based human-computer interaction.  The rest of us know him as one of the leaders of STRONG ANGEL, as the pioneer of the one-ounce …

Journal: Adm Mac Showers Sends–John Guenther Passes (Ranking Civilian in USMC Intelligence)

I am saddened to report that John Guenther began guarding heaven’s gates at 2030 on Oct 29, 2009. His wife Gerrie Guenther told me to pass the word and that ceremonies and services were still in the planning stages.  John will be cremated and his remains interred at Arlington, but as many know there is …

Journal: Petition for Peace Engineering

The average American is now in motion.  The Independent movement has reached critical mass, and the public recognition that everything the government is doing lacks a strategic analytic rationale as well as–in many cases–a moral rationale, is gathering force. The below message captured our attention.  Note the “social engineering” of the military-industrial complex that has …